didymus the blind artinya
- didymus: didimus
- blind: buta; buta[kan; tunanetra; kerai; menjadi buta;
- arius didymus: areios didimos
- With the secondary witnesses are included manuscripts C, L, 33, and the writings of Didymus the Blind.
Saksi-saksi sekunder meliputi naskah-naskah C, L, 33, serta tulisan-tulisan Didymus Si Buta. - Didymus the Blind (died around 398), who lived and taught in Alexandria, was blinded at the age of five.
Didimus si Buta (wafat sekitar tahun 398), yang bertempat tinggal dan mengajar di Aleksandria, mengalami kebutaan pada usia 4 tahun. - The Jewish–Christian Gospels were gospels of a Jewish Christian character quoted by Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Eusebius, Epiphanius, Jerome and probably Didymus the Blind.
Injil Yahudi–Kristen dalah injil berkarakter Yahudi Kristen yang dikutip oleh Klemens dari Aleksandria, Origen, Eusebius, Epifanus, Hieronimus dan mungkin Didimus orang Buta. - Passages from the gospel were quoted or summarized by three Alexandrian Fathers – Clement, Origen and Didymus the Blind; it was also quoted by Jerome, either directly or through the commentaries of Origen.
Ayat-ayat Injil ini dikutip atau diringkas oleh tiga Bapa Gereja Aleksandria – Klemens, Origenes dan Didimus si Buta; juga dikutip oleh Jerome, baik secara langsung atau melalui komentar-komentar dari Origen.